Daily Advent Reading

This is our Digital Advent Calendar for 2023. We would hope you could join in daily during the season of Advent. Every day’s Advent Gift box will have a new Scripture to read and reflect on. Every Thursday there will be a Children’s Ministry Activity for you and your children. Every Tuesday there will be a question for adults to enjoy and engage on our Facebook page.

Revelation 22:12-13

12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


Howard Thurman, American theologian, educator, and civil rights leader is quoted as having said of Christmas: “It is the event above all events. A turning point in human history, marking the moment when a new meaning is given to ancient words: The eyes of the blind are opened, the captives are set free.”

The season of Advent prepares us that Christmas will soon be here once again. It is the event above all events.

It is my prayer that this season marks a turning point for us. The world needs our eyes to be opened to hurts that need healing, to the lonely that need companionship, and to the hate that needs to be chased away with love. This year I am wrapping up a small heart in a box and placing it under our tree. It is a reminder of my present for God. That present is to love.