Senior Adults
Our Senior Adult Ministries are all about “Loving Life in the Second Half”!
This ministry is for any individual that is 55+! If interested in having your e-mail address included in our distribution list, please contact the church office at (407) 365-3255.
Young at Heart
Our Young at Heart group is for adults 55 years of age and older, and meets every month (August – June) on the second Thursday for lunch and a special program. If you feel Young at Heart, you are in for a wonderful time of fellowship, great food, & an exciting program!
Please fill out the form below, if you have any questions or need more information.
Caregivers Support
Meets at 11 AM in the Jones Parlor
The Caregivers Support Group meets the first and third Wednesday of each month in Jones Parlor from 11 AM until Noon. We welcome all caregivers as we share good ideas and tips to make caregiving a little easier, as well as care for each other.
Please fill out the form below, if you have any questions or need more information.