Church Events

VBS Volunteers 2025
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry VBS 2025! We want you to join the fun at VBS!

VBS 2025
Get ready for an unforgettable week of fun, learning, and spiritual growth at GO! VBS 2025! This year, we're diving deep into the power of the Holy Spirit and how it empowers us to live boldly in faith.
What to Expect:
Exciting Bible lessons that inspire and teach about God's love and power.
Fun activities and games that reinforce the message of the week.
Worship and prayer to connect with God in a meaningful way.
A chance to make lifelong friendships and create lasting memories.
This event is open to children of all ages, and we’re also inviting students (grades 6-12) and adults to volunteer and be part of the action. It’s a great way to serve and make a difference in the lives of our kids!

Women's Night of Fellowship - February
Come join us Tuesday February 11th to LOVE on Choice's Women's Clinic! We will have fun baby shower games, yummy appetizers and Leigh Ann speaking about how we can learn about more opportunities working with Choices!
We are collecting NEW baby clothes 0-18 months (this is for their boutique) and Walmart gift cards (increments of $10 to $20). We will learn about different ways we can help!
If anyone needs babysitting please let Angela Relyea know.
RSVP to Angela Relyea abrelyea@yahoo.com or 407-276-3920 by the Friday before (Feb. 7th)

Breakfast with Santa 2024
Enjoy Breakfast, Crafts and a Mrs. Claus appearance! Have a private visit with Santa too! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO MISSIONS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. DROP OFF CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY TOY DONATIONS HERE!
Select the time you would like to purchase for your ticket:
Click here for the 8AM Breakfast with Santa Slot
Click here for the 8:30 AM Breakfast with Santa Slot
Click here for the 9 AM Breakfast with Santa Slot
Click here for the 9:30 AM Breakfast with Santa
Click here for the 10 AM Breakfast with Santa
Click here for the 10:30AM Breakfast with Santa

Women's Night of Fellowship: "THANKFUL"
Our November Women's Night of Fellowship is a potluck style evening. Bring a dish to share. All women of the church are invited. RSVP: to your circle president OR Angela Relyea abrelyea@yahoo.com
Located in the Fellowship Hall

Pumpkin Patch Set Up
COME GET YOUR COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS! Be sure to mark your calendars and come help out! We recommend everyone wear closed toe shoes and clothes they don't mind getting dirty!

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
We will be offering a class on discovering spiritual gifts. This class is two 4-hour sessions. Both classes are needed to complete this course. Signing up for the 9/22 class will automatically put you in the 9/29 class. To sign up please use the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AACAA2EA7F4C70-50231541-discovering?useFullSite=true#/

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
We will be offering a class on discovering spiritual gifts. This class is two 4-hour sessions. Both classes are needed to complete this course. Signing up for the 9/22 class will automatically put you in the 9/29 class. To sign up please use the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AACAA2EA7F4C70-50231541-discovering?useFullSite=true#/

Women's Night of Fellowship
Join the women of the church Tuesday September 10th at 6:30pm for light refreshments and to learn about our Haiti Mission Soaring Unlimited!

Membership Sunday
Join us on September 8th to welcome all of our new members into the First Methodist Family. The reception for new members will take place during both the 9:30 & 11 AM services.

New Member Class
There will be a new members class on 8/25. If you are interested, please contact the church office. Lunch will be provided.

Summer Camp Volunteers
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry camps 2024!

Samaritan Village Pickleball Fundraiser
Tournament: Men's Division @ 10am, Women's Division @ 1pm
Want to help support one of our mission partners? Use this link to register: https://samaritanvillage.dm.networkforgood.com/forms/weekend-2-june-29th-svi-pickleball-tournament-men-s-and-women-s-division

VBS Volunteers 2024
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry VBS 2024! We want you to join the fun at our Praise UP VBS!

Café Panuzzo's Spirit Day Methodist Women in Mission
Join us for a Give Back DAY with Cafe Panuzzo's! Stop in for lunch or dinner!! Angela Rely is organizing a dinner so that we can all be there in fellowship that day! Be on the look up for a sign up!!

Women's Night of Fellowship
The Methodist Women in Mission are having our Women's Night of Fellowship Tuesday February 13th in Fellowship Hall. We invite all women to join us. Event starts at 6:30pm with light desserts and refreshment, then the program begins at 7pm.

First Church Super Bowl Tailgate
Come join us in the Fellowship Hall for a pre-game Super Bowl Tailgate party. Hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and snacks will be provided. There will be tailgate type activities for everyone to play.

Wednesday Night Dinner & Programs (1/24/24)
Plan to join us for dinner & programming on Wednesday!
Dinner is from 5:30-6:30 PM and the cost is $5 per adult; $3 per child (10 & under). There will be no take-out meals.
Menu: Poppyseed Chicken, Rice, Roll, Vegetables, & Dessert.
Programming for all ages begins following dinner at 6:30 PM. CLICK HERE to see what programs are being offered!

Wednesday Night Dinner & Programs (1/31/24)
Plan to join us for dinner & programming on Wednesday!
Dinner is from 5:30-6:30 PM and the cost is $5 per adult; $3 per child (10 & under). There will be no take-out meals.
Menu: Chili, Corn Bread, Hot Dog, Baked Potato & Dessert.
Programming for all ages begins following dinner at 6:30 PM. CLICK HERE to see what programs are being offered!

Family Movie Night
Bring the family to our movie night. We will be showing “American Underdog - The Kurt Warner Story”. Hot dogs, drinks and snacks will be provided by the Methodist Men

Breakfast with Santa
Join Santa for Oviedo’s famous townhouse pancakes, crafts, and story time!
Tickets are $8 person - includes a delicious breakfast, candy canes, live music, crafts, story time, and a picture with Santa! All proceeds go to missions for women and children.
Go to: https://united-methodist-women.square.site/ for more information and to purchase tickets.

Women's Night of Fellowship
Join the women of the church on September 12 at 6:30 PM for light refreshments and to learn more about Soaring Unlimited Haiti with Pastor Laura as our featured speaker. Donations needed are: baby clothes, shoes, hats, blankets, toiletries, health kits, school supplies and backpacks, cleaning supplies and more. Flyers with more information are at each entrance.
Please RSVP to Angela Relyea or a circle chair.

Baptism Sunday
On Pentecost Sunday (May 28), we will be celebrating baptisms and renewal of baptisms during our worship services. If you would like to participate in this special ceremony by immersion or sprinkling, please contact the church office to set up an appointment with one of the pastors.

Family Mini-Golf Tournament
The Men's Ministry is holding a family mini-golf tournament! Bring your family to Tee It Up Golf for delicious food and drinks. CHANCE TO WIN PRIZES!

Mother's Day Ice Cream Social
Join us in the family room in between the 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM service for a celebration of our amazing mother’s and motherly figures.

Mother's Day Brunch
Hosted by the United Methodist Women Pre-paid reservation: $15 RSVP through Circle Leader or Church Office by 5/8.
Featured Speaker: MARNI JAMESON "Right Sizing Your Life" (Syndicated Orlando Sentinel columnist of "At Home With Marni Jameson")
MENU: Quiche, Vegetable, Salad and Dessert

Women's Game Night
Join us Tuesday February 14th at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall
Esther Circle is hosting a fun game night with Pokeno, trivia, giveaways and more! Desserts and refreshments are provided!
RSVP to your circle president or if you are not in a circle, RSVP to abrelyea@yahoo.com by 2/13