Church Events

Easter Egg Hunt 2025
Our Easter Egg Hunt will be Wednesday, April 16th. We will have pizza, bounce houses, crafts and egg hunts broken down into age groups. We will utilize the gym, portico, and playground.
Our Children's Ministry team will cover these areas and activities. We are collecting pre-filled eggs that are filled with trinkets and non-food items (the ants are relentless). We will have pre filled goody bags with candy to give to children.
If you would like to help during the event, please contact Kalee Mendelson!

BigStuf Camp 2025
SMMR is a 5-day summer beach camp for middle & high school students! Complete with your favorite speakers, musicians, games & hosted right on Florida's most beautiful beach: Panama City Beach.

VBS Volunteers 2025
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry VBS 2025! We want you to join the fun at VBS!

VBS 2025
Get ready for an unforgettable week of fun, learning, and spiritual growth at GO! VBS 2025! This year, we're diving deep into the power of the Holy Spirit and how it empowers us to live boldly in faith.
What to Expect:
Exciting Bible lessons that inspire and teach about God's love and power.
Fun activities and games that reinforce the message of the week.
Worship and prayer to connect with God in a meaningful way.
A chance to make lifelong friendships and create lasting memories.
This event is open to children of all ages, and we’re also inviting students (grades 6-12) and adults to volunteer and be part of the action. It’s a great way to serve and make a difference in the lives of our kids!

Rock the Universe 2025
Rock the Universe is an unforgettable weekend of faith and fun. If you’re interested in going please contact Lanie James by December 28th!

YTH Invite Night!
Join us for our November Invite Night! We will have a friendsgiving party followed by a viewing of "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving." AND Worship led by our student praise band!
Sign up to bring an item using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AACAA2EA7F4C70-52369249-youth

Trunk or Treat
Join us for a wonderful family event! We will have trunks, a spider maze, bounces houses, food for purchase, and lots of fun had by all! Use the link below to volunteer/host a trunk!

Pumpkin Patch Set Up
COME GET YOUR COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS! Be sure to mark your calendars and come help out! We recommend everyone wear closed toe shoes and clothes they don't mind getting dirty!

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
We will be offering a class on discovering spiritual gifts. This class is two 4-hour sessions. Both classes are needed to complete this course. Signing up for the 9/22 class will automatically put you in the 9/29 class. To sign up please use the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AACAA2EA7F4C70-50231541-discovering?useFullSite=true#/

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
We will be offering a class on discovering spiritual gifts. This class is two 4-hour sessions. Both classes are needed to complete this course. Signing up for the 9/22 class will automatically put you in the 9/29 class. To sign up please use the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AACAA2EA7F4C70-50231541-discovering?useFullSite=true#/

Parents Night Out (September)
Looking for a sitter to watch your children on a Friday Night? Allow our Youth and Children’s Ministry team to hang out with your children for the evening. We welcome children ages 1 to 10 years old. For only

YTH Invite Night!
This event will occur every other month starting in March! There will be a raffle for students who bring friends to win a grand prize! (giftcards, headphones, theme park ticket, etc) Themes to dress up! Large group activities! Special food served! AND Worship led by our student praise band!
Theme: Summer Beachwear
Food: Popcorn & Drinks
Activity: Movie Night!

Membership Sunday
Join us on September 8th to welcome all of our new members into the First Methodist Family. The reception for new members will take place during both the 9:30 & 11 AM services.

Confirmation 2024
Do you have a student that is interested in being confirmed? Please let Lanie know so that you can be added to our interest list.

New Member Class
There will be a new members class on 8/25. If you are interested, please contact the church office. Lunch will be provided.

Confirmation 2024
Do you have a student that is interested in being confirmed? Please let Lanie know so that you can be added to our interest list.

Confirmation 2024
Do you have a student that is interested in being confirmed? Please let Lanie know so that you can be added to our interest list.

YTH Invite Night!
This event will occur every other month starting in March! There will be a raffle for students who bring friends to win a grand prize! (giftcards, headphones, theme park ticket, etc) Themes to dress up! Large group activities! Special food served! AND Worship led by our student praise band!
Theme: Cowgirl/Cowboy Theme
Food: Tater Tot Bar
Activity: Redneck Olympics

Summer Camp Volunteers
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry camps 2024!

VBS Volunteers 2024
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry VBS 2024! We want you to join the fun at our Praise UP VBS!

VBS 2024
First Methodist Church of Oviedo's First UP Children's Ministry VBS 2024! We want you to join the fun at our Praise UP VBS!

YTH Invite Night!
This event will occur every other month starting in March! There will be a raffle for students who bring friends to win a grand prize! (giftcards, headphones, theme park ticket, etc) Themes to dress up! Large group activities! Special food served! AND Worship led by our student praise band!
Theme: Mess fest Theme (WEAR CLOTHES TO GET DIRTY)
Food: Walking Tacos
Activity: Smash games

Parents Night Out (April)
Looking for a sitter to watch your children on a Friday Night? Allow our Youth and Children’s Ministry team to hang out with your children for the evening. For only $30 per family, you get 3 hours of child care!

Children's Ministries Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for pizza, bounce houses, crafts, and age appropriate egg hunts for children up to 5th grade.

Community Youth Worship Night
Our youth group is having a special worship night for students in the Oviedo area on Sunday, March 17th at 6 PM. We would love if you and your churches youth group would join us for this amazing event. Experience the warmth of community, hear uplifting worship music, and find encouragement in the company of fellow believers. Join us at First Methodist Church of Oviedo at 6 PM. We can’t wait to worship together!
We ask that you please RSVP for you and your group using this link. We are just trying to gauge the number of people who will be with us.

YTH Invite Night!
This event will occur every other month starting in March! There will be a raffle for students who bring friends to win a grand prize! (giftcards, headphones, theme park ticket, etc) Themes to dress up! Large group activities! Special food served! AND Worship led by our student praise band!
Theme: Green/St. patty Theme
Food: Ice Cream
Activity: Dance Party

YTH Leadership Lock-In
This will be an overnight stay at the church filled with brainstorming, worship, prayer, spiritual gift assessment, etc. We want this evening to be dedicated to getting students to start picturing where they could be serving in ministry.
This event will occur on February 23-24! Deadline to sign up is February 15!
RSVP for this event here: https://forms.gle/VNtTJUvXiSVZirbr6

First Church Super Bowl Tailgate
Come join us in the Fellowship Hall for a pre-game Super Bowl Tailgate party. Hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and snacks will be provided. There will be tailgate type activities for everyone to play.

Parents Night Out (February)
Looking for a sitter to watch your children on a Friday Night? Allow our Youth and Children’s Ministry team to hang out with your children for the evening. For only $30 per family, you get 3 hours of child care!

Wednesday Night Dinner & Programs (1/24/24)
Plan to join us for dinner & programming on Wednesday!
Dinner is from 5:30-6:30 PM and the cost is $5 per adult; $3 per child (10 & under). There will be no take-out meals.
Menu: Poppyseed Chicken, Rice, Roll, Vegetables, & Dessert.
Programming for all ages begins following dinner at 6:30 PM. CLICK HERE to see what programs are being offered!

Wednesday Night Dinner & Programs (1/31/24)
Plan to join us for dinner & programming on Wednesday!
Dinner is from 5:30-6:30 PM and the cost is $5 per adult; $3 per child (10 & under). There will be no take-out meals.
Menu: Chili, Corn Bread, Hot Dog, Baked Potato & Dessert.
Programming for all ages begins following dinner at 6:30 PM. CLICK HERE to see what programs are being offered!

Family Movie Night
Bring the family to our movie night. We will be showing “American Underdog - The Kurt Warner Story”. Hot dogs, drinks and snacks will be provided by the Methodist Men

Parents Night Out
Looking for a sitter to watch your children on a Friday Night? Allow our Youth and Children’s Ministry team to hang out with your children for the evening. For only $20 per family, you get 3 hours of child care!

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is a safe alternative to door-to-door trick-or-treating! Put on your costumes and invite family, friends, and neighbors to come and play with us! We will also have food trucks, games, and candy.